Apollonios, agoranomos (West Asian mint)
Hermippos, agoranomos (West Asian mint)
Varus, agoranomos (West Asian mint)
Mass (g) |
Mass (grain) |
Date of measurement |
Reference |
fragmented |
cleaned |
reference weight |
13.05 |
- |
- |
No |
No |
No |
13.00 |
- |
April 19, 2023 |
Thomas Leblanc |
No |
No |
Yes |
13.04 |
- |
- |
Öztürk and Güler 2023 |
No |
No |
No |
Symbol |
Technique |
Direction |
Position |
Number |
Synecdoche |
Bee |
Stamped / Countermarked / Struck |
Suspension hole
Recarved mould
Recarved weight
Intentionally destroyed
Archaeological description
CPAI III/1: Rectangular in form with raised, bevelled edges and tab (broken off); worn and corroded. On the obverse, circular stamp with border of dots; in center, bee encircling the inscription: ΑΠΟΛ / ѠΝΙΟ [Υ] ΒΑΡΟΥ ΕΡΜ[Ι] / [Π]ΠΟ[Υ]. On the reverse, trace of a Ρ in relief. It is a half-uncia (uncia of 26.10 g).
Weiß 2017: Eine halbe Unze von 13,05 g, ohne Zuweisung an eine Stadt (kleine Verbesserung der Lesung durch Verf.). 3,1 × 2,5 × 0,5 cm. Unterseite großenteils gestört bzw. leer. Die Biene [...] wurde auch von einer Gruppe dreier Verantwortlicher gewählt, wohl von Agoranomen: Ἀπολ[λ]ωνίου, Βάρου, | Ἑρμίππου (Abb. 1.2).
Öztürk and Güler 2023: Description: Square in form with raised and beveled edges and a broken tab; cracks on the body; worn and corroded. (A): Traces of letter ‘S’ as a unit mark overstruck with a circular stamp. (B): Inscription in one line. (Stamp): A bee at the center surrounded by an inscription within border of dots. Inscription technique: Relief; Material: Lead. Inv. No: PMA 4030; Date of Acquisition: 2007; Findspot: Unknown. City: Ephesos; Region: Ionia. Dimensions: 26 × 32 × 4 mm; LH: (A): - ; (B): ca. 8 mm; (Stamp): 2-4 mm. Weight: 13.04 g; 13.05 g [CPAI III 1]. Metrology: Half-Uncia. Edition: CPAI III 1, cat. no. 567; Weiß 2017, 314-315. Date: IInd-IIIrd centuries CE. The bee at the center of the stamp on side A is the parasemon of Ephesos14. The inscription around the bee is divided by slashes (/), indicating that there are three personal names in the genitive on this stamp. The cognomen of the first person, ‘Apollonios,’ is written across two lines. The second cognomen, ‘Varus,’ is given in a single line of inscription. The last cognomen, ‘Hermippos,’ spans two lines. The beginning of this cognomen is preserved on side B as ‘EP’. In summary, this half-uncia weight mentions three marketplace officials: ‘Apollonios’, ‘Varus’, and ‘Hermippos’. These officials might have served at the same time or shared the office of agoranomos among themselves in such a way that each of them could serve for four months in a year.