Disc or similar (ellipse, etc.)
Mass (g) |
Mass (grain) |
Date of measurement |
Reference |
fragmented |
cleaned |
reference weight |
3.45 |
- |
- |
(scientific literature) |
No |
No |
Yes |
Symbol |
Technique |
Direction |
Position |
Number |
Synecdoche |
Suspension hole
Recarved mould
Recarved weight
Intentionally destroyed
Archaeological description
Glass weight. Disc. Colour (Farbe): dunkelgelb. Iconography: No cross. No wreath.
CPAI III/2: Last third of the 6th - 1st quarter of the 7th century AD. Eastern Mediterranean. Weight for a silver coin (double siliqua) or a gold coin (solidus/ 20 carat). Glass, 23.5 x 4 mm; 3.45 g. Inv. no. PMA 2861. Acquired in 2007. Description: Yellow coloured round weight with a central impression. The block monogram is composed of the letters M and Λ or maybe N in the centre, C on the right, and O and V at the top. If the letter in the centre beside the M is an Λ, the name can be resolved as MOVCIΛIOV, MOCIΛIOV or COΛVMIOV. A prefect of Constantinople with the name Mousilios is mentioned on two lead seals and on other glass weights from the 7th century with the portrait of the eparch and a circular inscription. The present glass weight can be dated before the 2nd quarter of the 7th century by means of an early medieval burial found in Kunszentmarton, Hungary. The grave contained several copperalloy and glass weights together with a balance. Due to the mass of the weight, which corresponds to a double siliqua (silver coin) or a light-weight solidus, we can narrow the dating from the reign of Justin II to Heraclius, when coins with this mass occur.